Professor Sumeet Mahajan

Professor Sumeet Mahajan

Professor of Molecular Biophotonics & Imaging

Professor Sumeet Mahajan at the University of Southampton is a natural scientist with specialisation in physical chemistry and biomedical engineering. He works highly collaboratively at the interface of optics & photonics with the life sciences and develops microscopy instrumentation, label-free imaging methodologies, biosensors and spectroscopy techniques for early detection and improved disease diagnostics.

After several years in industry, and following postdoctoral positions at the Cavendish Lab, an EPSRC fellowship under the Physics of Medicine initiative at Cambridge, he was recruited to a Senior Lecturer position at Southampton under the ‘Rising Stars’ scheme in 2012. He has published >100 peer reviewed papers and 6 patents. He is an ERC Starting Grant awardee and led a recent EPSRC Prosperity Partnership award with industry. He leads the Southampton InLightenUs team that broadly covers the areas of lasers, imaging methodology and clinical diagnostics.